ALERT: Report on DC Police Kettling Protesters on Swann Street

PROTEST DURING PANDEMIC: D.C. Police Kettling of Racial Justice Demonstrators on Swann Street

On June 1, 2020, more than 200 racial justice protesters were kettled and arrested by the Metropolitan Police Department. While protesting police brutality and excessive force, protesters were faced with MPD’s clearly excessive escalatory tactics in relation to the peaceful protesting.

Together with the ACLU of DC and Sidley Austin LLP, we released “Protest During Pandemic,” a report documenting and identifying the questions raised by the actions of MPD that day.

“The authors of this report believe there is work for the Council to do to ensure MPD has appropriate legal and policy guidance and always responds with appropriate restraint to peaceful assemblies, and we urge the Council to take up that task with urgency as it continues to oversee MPD’s work.”

Read the full report here.

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